Sunday, December 14, 2008

They are gone :(

I met the new owner, Jen, and her daughter and boyfriend. They were really amicable, which makes me feel better that my boys will be in a good home. I gave them everything I had so they can still be spoiled in their new place. I forgot the grid which is very important for the C&C cage - where the water bottle should be hung. I hope she keeps the C&C cage that I have for Porkchop and Kobe. I will cry if I would see them in a small cage.

I miss them so much. I blame my mom and my boyfriend for hating my guinea pigs. My guinea pigs were the only thing that made me happy since my parent's separation. They help forget everything that happened in the past. I surpassed how my boys were giving me rashes. Love is love - you would do anything for them.

My final hours with them. I put them in their carrier. They stayed there were almost an hour, waiting patiently for what was happening. I fed them cilantro so they wouldn't be bored inside the carrier. They kept peeing on themselves for I had to keep changing the wee pads.

Holding Kobe - knowing I'll get rashes from him but I didn't care

Me and Porkchop

Me hugging Porkchop


Stayed with them till the final minute

Porkchop couldn't wait and rest for a while

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

They are so adorable. I started following your blog, because I have a guinea pig that looks so much like Pork Chop that it is amazing. His name is Siren, because when he was a baby he sounded like a little siren, when taken from his mother. I feel so bad that you had to part with yours. Mine give me allergies also, and I have asthma. I have six of them, but I keep an air purifier by their cages. It helps alot. Well, I just wanted to say how sorry I am. I love my guinea pigs, and I know that you love yours too, and miss them very much. I am so glad that they went to a good home; however, and I know that makes you fell better as well.